Monday, February 1, 2016

Implications of Klotho gene variant for BDNF Improving Memory, Mood and Metabolism

Implications of Klotho gene polymorphism for BDNF Improving Memory, Mood and Metabolism

Follow the bullets of the article linked below.  It depicts a bio marker of improved mood. BDNF which is only one of its three facets!

Bottom line-  differences in rate of learning, baseline mood and baseline physical performance can be greatly increased or optimized by increasing BDNF.  BDNF can be nick named 3M because it increases Memory, Mood and Metabolism.

Persons having only a single variant copy of the klotho longevity gene have increased memory associated with reduced mental loss with aging because of Glu2B amplification of nerve plasticity, an effect of BDNF.  Ergo it takes less BDNF to promote neurogenesis and network creation for learning and remembering in individuals and groups that have one copy of the variant Klotho gene and one common Klotho gene.

What are the implications of this finding?

It therefore follows that the rate of learning is strongest for individuals with one copy of variant gene or 23% of the population, average for 2 copies of the common Klotho gene and negative for two copies of the variant gene or 23% of the population.  This is a normal distribution of gene inheritance for a recessive gene that adds when one copy is present and subtracts when two copies are present.  As in Goldilocks 1 common and 1 variant gene copy is just right.  See GT, TT, GG at Klotho Rs9536314 on Wikipedia.  This is analogous to sickle cell inheritance with two variant copies having sickle cell disease, two normal copies having increased mortality to malaria and one copy of each being protective for malaria.

The NET effect of Klotho 2 gene variant status GG or 2 common gene status TT is poorer intellectual function and faster decline IN THE ABSENCE of HIGH or NORMAL BDNF.  To wit some depressed persons have greater memory and intellectual loss with low BDNF states or depression than others.

However, all persons would have greater Intellectual development and performance with higher levels of BDNF. Greater amplification of controlled synaptic activity and brain network development with higher levels of BDNF.  This is entirely analogous to cholesterol patterns in the population with the Mediterranean diet versus the American diet.  Ergo some persons are affected more or less by diet but all benefit from the Mediterranean diet.  Some persons are affected more or less by BDNF level but all persons benefit from higher or optimum levels of BDNF.

A lifestyle that promotes BDNF promotes the following:

Intellectual brain network development and speed.
Normal or improved mood
Improved mental, emotional and physical performance through time.
Resilience against addictions, opiates, gambling etc.

That lifestyle includes the following:

Weekly intermittent fasting to trigger expression of survival longevity genes including BDNF.
Slow paced diaphragmatic breathing for two minutes twice daily to reduce TNF alpha and brain cortisol levels thereby raising BDNF levels.
High intensity interval Tabata training or exhaustive lactate producing aerobic steady state exercise to maximally increase BDNF. brain training to increase BDNF.

Raise BDNF with lifestyle, and when pathological mood disorders are present, medications to improve the entire person both memory, mood and metabolism.
This is clearly a shift the mean strategy for individuals and groups and has profound potential for education, healthcare, law enforcement and economics.

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