Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Autonomic Dysfunction ( Reduced HRV ) Precedes Rheumatoid Artritis and Presumptively Other Systemic Metabolic Diseases

In this study autonomic dysfunction, a physiological correlate of neurodegeneration or unchecked brain inflammation, precedes joint inflammation.

In effect early changes of of inflammation damage sensitive nerve tissues before attacking synovial tissues.  The functioning autonomic nerve system is the accelerator and brake pathways  the brain uses to control peripheral somatic physiology.

When the brakes are broken, Humira and Methitrexate are peripheral brakes which slow down the runaway body and preventing synovial dysfunction and damage.

I propose that lifestyle changes to increase BDNF and HRV along with  anti inflammatory strategies such as Melatonin and DHA along with monitoring of HRV heart rate variability would prevent 75% of the diseases we treat at a late macro fractal stage rather than "preventing it in the bud" or early fractal stage.  Think how a microscopic bacteria initiates a sepsis autonomic dysfunction up to 70 hours before it becomes macroscopic with fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, vascular collapse and end organ failure.

Because CSF cleansing of the brain during sleep removes inflammatory stimulants, I want to add sleep to my health plan.   Norepinephrine,a glymphatic flow antagonist reduces the glymphatic flow that cleanses the brain waste. I would avoid stress, exercise and sympathetic tone within one hour of bedtime.  Adding sleep is likely unnecessary to a plan that restores autonomic tone before disease and thereby restores sleep.  I believe that 2 minutes of slow paced breathing that reduces brain cortisol and TNF alpha would improve quality of sleep especially if performed right at bedtime.

Do you find this as exciting and logical as I suspect this approach to become?  I further conjecture that optimizing HRV because it is low cost, self testing feedback for right tract wrong track will be widely beneficial in prevention and treatment of disease.  It also is a an early warning sign of early fractal change that results in large fractal disease symptoms and signs.

Autonomic Dysfunction Precedes Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Prospective Cohort Study

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