Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Pareto Potential of Fully Pluripotent Stem Cells

Grow one, grow a pair.  All stem cells are not the same.  Pluripotency is a continuum that is lost over development in the same way that reproduction potential declines with aging.  This exciting new discovery may pave the way for brain, lung, renal, liver, pancreas "seeding"with pluripotent stem cells to remodel and regenerate damaged organs.  We do this poorly with  stem cell injections in heart failure and lung failure already with positive but minimal results. Because they are relatively incompetent for the requested outcome.

When performed with autologous completely pluripotent stem cells, organ regeneration will definitely be possible even before limb regeneration..

Create in me a new heart, O Lord?

This also comforms with the pareto principle that the square root of a population are responsible for 50% of productivity.  These cells are "pareto" special because of their potential for pluripotent productivity.

Loss of stem cell capability and function, stem cell exhaustion, is the ultimate cause of disease, disability and nontraumatic deaths.  Multicellular biology may make medicine more like farming, creating an environment that favors exponential yields from "seeds and seedlings.". This gives a new meaning for GMO.

Research suggests that humans could one day regrow limbs

Scientists have identified the specific type of planaria flatworm pluripotent stem cell that is capable of regenerating an entire organism

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