Friday, March 8, 2019

Somatic and Stem Cells Health is Binomial and Reciprocal for Health and Longevity

Fasting mimicking diet reverses inflammatory bowel disease.
Note that this was superior to water only fasting.
Clean diet (fat burning) with Mediterranean supplementation with young cells containing Nrf2 drivers increased antioxidant enzyme status reversing disease in SOMATIC CELLS.  
Fasting improved regeneration and stemness in STEM CELLS.

I recommend a ketodiet, low carb high fat diet with Mediterranean supplements (wheat germ, nuts, olives, fruits and vegetables).

I recommend twelve or more hours of daily fasting.

Valter Longo endorses interval fasting mimicking diet in cancer treatment and cancer prevention.  This is another way of age (inflamaging) reversal which also improves "stemness".  This should be added at intervals on the above regimen.

Loss of "stemness" and accumulation of senescent cells is the proximate cause of decline and death"

MiFasting-Mimicking Diet Modulates Microbiota and Promotes Intestinal Regeneration to Reduce Inflammatory Bowel Disease Pathology: Cell Reportsmicking Diet Modulates Microbiota and PromoteFastinSummary

Dietary interventions are potentially effective therapies for inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). We tested the effect of 4-day fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) cycles on a chronic dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced murine model resulting in symptoms and pathology associated with IBD. These FMD cycles reduced intestinal inflammation, increased stem cell number, stimulated protective gut microbiota, and reversed intestinal pathology caused by DSS, whereas water-only fasting increased regenerative and reduced inflammatory markers without reversing pathology. Transplants of Lactobacillusor fecal microbiota from DSS- and FMD-treated mice reversed DSS-induced colon shortening, reduced inflammation, and increased colonic stem cells. In a clinical trial, three FMD cycles reduced markers associated with systemic inflammation. The effect of FMD cycles on microbiota composition, immune cell profile, intestinal stem cell levels and the reversal of pathology associated with IBD in mice, and the anti-inflammatory effects demonstrated in a clinical trial show promise for FMD cycles to ameliorate IBD-associated inflammation in humans."

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