Monday, March 4, 2019

LDL Cholesterol is not the correct target for treating heart disease?

This is heresy in medicine but the evidence appears sound to me.

A single exception questions a rule.  Multiple exceptions disprove the validity of a rule. The evidence is cited here based on that rule of logic.

My take away is that LDL is not the cause or appropriate  target for treatment or prediction of heart disease.

Endothelial dysfunction treatment or increased resilience is the appropriate treatment target.

Endothelial function is measured by plethysmography or increased compliance (from NO and H2S) flow mediated dilation and increased HRV heart rate variability.  Erectile dysfunction indicates decreased flow mediated dilation of the cavernosa.  ED is a predictor of premature cardiovascular events. Similarly migraine is decreased flow mediated dilation or decreased autoregulatoon of cerebral blood flow as a function of dysautonomia.

HRV is lowered by dysautonomia and increased by hormesis induced by both high intensity interval exercise (Tabata) and high intensity interval rest (Biofeedback breathing two minutes twice daily.)

Highly sensitive balanced autonomic tone or high HRV index indicates atherosclerosis resilience.

What are your thoughts on this matter?


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