Saturday, July 23, 2016

BDNF and Inflammation Control Reverse Cognitive and Mood Disorders

Mental Health a metabolic and inflammatory solution.

Inflammation of brain and hypo metabolic brain metabolism leads to brain network disruption on both functional parts of the human brains, emotional and cognitive.

Therefore the equation health plus BDNF minus inflammation is globally the way to improve metabolism, mood and memory.


 See article below on reversing dementia, a profound brain dysfunction or brain network disconnection syndrome, for your review.  Particularly, I want you to focus on the table that lists the strategies, tactics and projects to link the why, how and what of metabolic brain regeneration.  To wit depression, mania, dementia and psychosis are inflammatory and brain cell  hypo-metabolic states.  Effective treatments increase BDNF (SSRIs, Exercise, Slow paced breathing, cognitive behavioral therapy and fasting) and reduce inflammation ( melatonin, DHA, Ubiquinol, lithium, fasting/autophagy)

Can "normal" persons increase resilience to cognitive or mood dysfunctions?

Remember BDNF is inversely proportional to addiction.

Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program - AGING Journal

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