Thursday, May 19, 2016

Grow Lean Mass, Burn Fat Mass- A Signaling Cycle!

This study below is pregnant with a small difference that makes a great difference.  Calorie restricted animals before  bariatric surgery post surgery gained lean body mass and loss identical fat mass to their controls therefore intermittent calorie restriction likely "programmed" lean muscle growth and regeneration while increasing fat burning!

Two possibilities are 1. positive lean body mass growth factors produced from the stress or 2. Reduced myostatin an antagonist for increasing lean body mass.  I favor the latter of down regulated myostatin which shifts anabolism of protein intake to muscle building while shifting energy needs to triglycerides.  One could confirm this by measuring the respiratory quotient with a calorimeter.  The calorie restricted group would have a lower respiratory quotient closer to 0.7 for complete triglyceride oxidation meaning the protein and branched amino acids were directed at anabolism rather than diverted to carbohydrate metabolism.

Exercise, supplements or medications that mimic this exercise and calorie restriction effect would give a bariatric surgery effect for calorie restriction alone if the bariatric signal could be raised!  

What about the Roux in y causes this lean anabolic effect?  Is it basically enforced calorie restriction without lean body mass growth above the baseline?

Would anti myostatin medications have a lean anabolic effect and triglyceride catabolic effect when combined with intermittent calorie restriction?  Candidates are the following:
Creatine mono phosphate? 
Ursolic acid?  
Resistance exercise?  
Anti myostatin antibody? 

Combined with daily 16-20 hour fast and ad lib Mediterranean diet to grow lean body mass for 4 -8 hours and catabolize triglycerides for 16-20 hours?

High intensity exercise to increase norepinephrine and growth hormone should partially deplete stored glycogen (and triglyceride) in liver and muscle and aid both anabolism of lean and catabolism of triglyceride when performed at the conclusion of the feed period and before the fasting period.

Reprogramming of defended body weight after Roux-En-Y gastric bypass surgery in diet-induced obese mice - Hao - 2016 - Obesity - Wiley Online Library

Joseph Thomas (Tony) Liverman, Jr.

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