BDNF is a logical bio marker of cognitive impairment.
Should it also be a bio marker of heart failure from diastolic to systolic?
Below is the story of linkage or concurrent dysfunction (or function.)
The linkage is metabolic and inflammatory!
High function requires 1. BDNF associated high metabolic cellular health of target tissues and 2. control of inflammatory pathways of the innate and systemic immune systems.
Therefore the bio marker of metabolic health ( increased BDNF) and the bio marker of innate inflammation (increased NLRP3 and Caspase) are inversely proportional to healthy or unhealthy.
Heathy. Increased BDNF decreased NLRP3 and Caspase.
Unhealthy. Decreased BDNF, Increased NLRP3 and Caspase?
HRV is an index of BDNF and NLRP3/Caspase effects
Healthy is increased HRV. (Heart rate variability index)
Unhealthy is decreased HRV.
Therefore there are two strategic aims in treating both cognitive impairment and heart failure.
1. Increase BDNF.
2. Decrease NLRP3 and Caspase.
Did you know that ACE ARBs (that cross the blood brain barrier) 1. Reduce dementia or cognitive impairment by 65%?
Did you know that ACE ARBs reduce cardiovascular mortality by 7% and all cause mortality by 10%?
Did you know that ACE ARBs bind NLRP3 and prevent activation of the innate immune system?
Did you know that ACE ARBs reduce diabetic renal dysfunction or renal failure?
Did you know that ACE ARB treated hypertensive patients had a 9% reduction in diabetes in the treated group?
That DHA 1000 mgs reduces cognitive impairment, heart morbidity, and Caspase preactivation?
That high intensity interval exercise increases BDNF and reduces cognitive impairment and improves cardiac performance.?
That weekly 24 hour fasting in a mouse model of age related cardiomyopathy raised BDNF and restored normal EF after 8 weeks of intermittent fasting.
The EF or ejection fraction at rest and exercising is a global cardiac function test of systolic and diastolic dysfunction respectfully.
Is the mini mental status exam the corresponding EF of the brain? (Executive Function)
Is HRV the global function test of both systems because it measures the addition of BDNF and the subtraction of the innate immune system?
Ischemia in stroke and heart failure leads to ischemia repercussion injury; an index of metabolic and inflammatory dysfunction. Classically it is seen as only oxygen deprived instead of oxygen and energy substrate pathway deprived pathophysiology.
Management of Cognitive Impairment in Heart Failure
Joseph Thomas (Tony) Liverman, Jr.