Inflammation control, not telomere length, is the key to long life. Uninflamed or inactivated white blood cells with reduced innate immunity markers have longer telomeres in old age. This is analogous to a retirement capital account that yields 4% and lasts seemingly forever. Greater spending or inflammation shortens telomere length and the life of the account and account holder.
Melatonin, DHA, Slow paced breathing, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, increased BDNF and HRV, Klotho Gene expression and improved parasympathetic braking tone altogether contribute to decreased markers of inflammation.
CRP, brain cortisol, TNF alpha, Cox2, Il-6 are a few predictive inflammatory markers that decline with healthy lifestyle, supplements and diet. I suspect that because HRV heart rate variation declines with age, inflamaging and mortality, then higher HRV indicates a reduced global inflammatory status. Even the daily variation in high and low frequency bands within HRV associated with component sympathetic and parasympathetic tone respectfully would indicate that stresses such as exercise, fasting and illness all produce hormetic or recovery boosting stress in a stress and recover stronger and younger paradigm.
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