Thursday, July 9, 2015

Mind Body Age = Cellular Energy + Regenerative Gene Expression6 - Degenerative Inflammation Activation

Energy + Regenerative Gene Expression - Degenerative Inflammation Activation = Metabolic Resilience OR Organism/Organ/Cell Age

Read first the conclusion of the paper linked below.

The conclusion wrongly implicates obesity and not macrophage and micro glia (brain macrophage) activation or cellular innate immunity activation as the culprit in degeneration even though they showed evidence that calorie restriction and intermittent fasting blocked the activation of inflammatory macrophages ( whether fat or not, young or old.)  They also showed that NLRP3 knock out mice did not get age related inflamaging.

The evidence herein shows how BHB beta hydroxybutyrate from calorie restriction and/or coconut oil inhibits activation of damaging macrophages and microglia which prevents organ damage in the body and brain respectfully. 

Moreover, intermittent weekly fasting reduced many of the age related inciters of the innate immune system or inflamasome, through auto phagocytosis of waste in lysozymes rendering the molecules unable in their reduced elements to incite NLRP3, thereby prolonging quality of life and length of life.  This occurs at the beginning of a prolonged fast which has three actions, make essential proteins, activate cellular chaperones or folding helper proteins to correctly fold misfolded proteins and recycling of persistently misfolded proteins in lysosomes or chemical bags that convert molecules into elements for recycling.

The article more than hints that both "disease and conditions" are improved by blocking the inflamasome  of which NLRP3 is the initiator.  Moreover it also implicated crystals and clearing of crystals as important whether they be cholesterol, Uric acid or beta amyloid crystals in preserving cell, organ and organism integrity.  

The section on Vitamin D was also revealing as an agent to modify inflammatory response in all tissues and not just in bone osteoclasts.  The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 removes calcium crystals from atheromatous plaques thereby blocking the NLRP3 activation leading to atherosclerosis, ruptured plaques and/or aneurysmal rupture.

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