Saturday, January 17, 2015

Preventing Atherosclerosis the Source of Heart Attacks and Strokes Part 2

Preventing Atherosclerosis the Source of Heart Attacks and Strokes Part 2


Consider a story about an experiment comparing high intensity interval exercise by rodents and sedentary non-exercising rodents who have a major induced heart attack.  What happened to each group?
The sedentary group has 2 out of every 3 rodents die from their induced heart attack.
The high intensity interval exercise group has 1 out of every 3 rodents die from their induced heart attack.
The survivors are rehabilitated and then the size of the heart damage was compared.
The sedentary group had a 4 times larger scar than the high intensity interval group.

In summary the high intensity interval exercise group had 66% survival compared to 33% and their scar was 75% smaller.  Prognosis is determined by the amount of surviving heart or ejection fracture and the number of vessels with significant plaques which are subject to rupture/clot/heart attacks in the future.
Strokes caused by ruptured atheromatous plaques should have similar smaller areas of damage to the brain.

Another benefit of high intensity interval exercise is the production of inducible hypoxic factor.  This chemical is responsible for protecting the heart muscle and brain cells when blood, the source of oxygen, is interrupted.

A common cause of plaque rupture is inflammation.  The strongest predictor of heart attack risk and inflammation is a quantitative CRP or C reactive protein.  When the liver glycogen is intermittently exhausted or decreased, inflammatory chemicals and chemokines are reduced including CRP level.

When one intermittently fasts, consumes a low glycemic diet, performs daily high intensity interval exercise and weekly resistance training, supplements with Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 the following is true.

1.  Matrix GLA/K2 removes calcium from the arterial plaques and sequesters it safely in the bones preventing osteoporosis and ruptured plaques.

2.  HDL is elevated for increased reversed cholesterol transport of oxidized LDL in the atheromatous plaque.

3.  LDL bad cholesterol is reduced in amount and qualitatively changed to large and fluffy LDL with reduced particle count making it less atherogenic, less oxidizable which is an important first step for cholesterol to enter the arterial wall.

4.  Inflammatory chemicals, chemokines and CRP production by the liver is reduced and the plaques are less likely to ruptured.

5.  Increased inducible hypoxic factor is produced by the high intensity interval exercise and protects the heart and brain should an ischemic event ever occur.

6.  Metabolic health is associated with lower insulin levels, increased insulin sensitivity and prevents diabetes which results in lower blood pressure.

7.  Lower blood pressure reduces a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, heart failure and stroke.

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