Antidepressant medication treatment improves treated populations in the following proportions 25% recovery, 50% improved and 25% resistant to treatment.
Exercise and mindfulness (Tabata and slow paced breathing) has augmented treatment improvement by 42%.
Antidepressants, exercise and mindfulness increase both BDNF and HRV.
BDNF is neuroprotective. Change in HRV is evidence of brain function and resilience levels. They BOTH directly vary in the same direction of change in Depression scoring. One can begin one or both in treatment.
I have not seen the recovery or improvement rates for combined treatment AND I imagine that the recovered do not further improve their score, which is back to normal, AND I imagine that they gain RESILIENCE or protection. (Put on the full armor)
What do you imagine happens to the partial responders and non responders with combined therapy to both affect and RESILIENCE? (Better, same or worse)
Shouldn't afectively normal persons systematically Tabata and slow pace breathe to build resilience to affective disorders in the presence of inevitable life stress and stressors?
Tabata and slow paced breathing increases HRV.
Nrf2 activators augment and increase HRV. (Welchs grape juice and whole grain bread aka Reservatrol and spermidine e.g)
Perhaps maximal reversal and resilience of affective state is the combination of Nrf2 activators, Tabata, slow paced breathing and anti depressant medication BECAUSE the effect of antidepressant drug treatment is PREDICTED by increase in HRV.
What do you imagine happens to persons who exercise resilience building and the resilience of their marriage to "the sling and errors of outrageous fortune?"
This is a small example of compounding a small gain to exponential good. (Faith/knowledge the size of a mustard seed.). Why, how, what.